Galil Consultant is constantly updating its profile activity.
Due to our advantages as a ‘light weight, flexible and fast-to-respond’ operation, we are capable of being involved in several business opportunities simultaneously. We encourage our partners to stay in contact with us, in order to allow your organization to be exposed to new opportunities.
- Industrial division
Israel group looking to divest four separate businesses in chemicals, fuel & Gas distribution and water engineering.
- Water facilities and systems
International group seeking US and European acquisitions to provide additional channels to market.
- Automotive Transmission
Gear manufacturer seeks global acquisition opportunities in gear/transmission component sectors.
- Power Projects
Medium sized thermal and hydro power projects to suit potential investment groups.
- Converting Old Tires to New Energy
A Israeli patent technology by which electrical energy is produced – to be sold to the national grid, together with marketable by-products such as steel and sulfur and all gases emitted from the process are environmental safe. We are looking for a strategic partner to implement the technology and build commercial plants.